Many people are carers for older, disabled or seriously ill friends and relatives. Juggling intense caring responsibilities with work and other life challenges is tough. Here are some useful resources.
We have brought together some key resources and information which might be of help to carers:
Support for carers in Hampshire
Council support
Connect to Support is a Hampshire County Council website with information for carers, including; creating an emergency plan, the carers emergency card, accessing a break from caring, and support from the Local Authority.
Carers Together
Carers Together is a consortium of carers in Hampshire, providing advice and support and pointing carers towards local and national organisations which can provide help. They can offer advice on benefits, training and awareness raising. They have also produced a really useful leaflet for carers on their rights.
Carers Together support line
Carers Together run the Carers Active Listening Line - Tel: 08000 323456
This is a helpline for carers who can phone and speak to someone in confidence about any caring issues they may have. Every call is free, independent, confidential, impartial, supportive and non-judgemental.
It is available 365 days a year, Monday - Friday: 10am - 8pm, Bank Holidays and weekends: 10am - 4.30pm.
Hampshire Parent Carer Network
Every local authority in the country has a parent carer forum - this is Hampshire’s. Hampshire Parent Carer Network (HPCN) offers parent carers of children and young people aged 0-25 with an additional need (diagnosed or not) or disability the opportunity to tell the Local Authority, Health and other services, what life is really like.
They offer a range of ways for parent carers to get involved and have their say including a very active Facebook page, regular get togethers and a parent rep and steering group. Find out more on their website.
More sources of help and support across Hampshire:
Andover Mind provides a Carers Support service for all carers living in Hampshire.
Phone 01264 332297
Princess Royal Trust for Carers in Hampshire offers information, support, advice and emergency respite services for all carers in Hampshire. Phone 01264 835246
There are a number of Mental Health Carers Support Workers who can be contacted through your local Community Mental Health Team.
Voluntary groups which offer neighbourly help to people in their local communities. Information for young carers (under 18).
Sources of financial support for carers
The Family Fund – an organisation which can help with grants for families caring for disabled children, to buy equipment and other items.
Many carers are not aware of their rights and entitlements so here are some sources of advice and information on carers rights:
How to access a Carers Assessment
Support from your GP
Let your GP know
NHS sets out ‘care for young carers’ offer in GP surgeries