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  • Writer's pictureHealthwatch Hampshire

Report published: Wheelchair service feedback

Updated: Mar 22

We have released our independent wheelchair service feedback report for Hampshire, IOW and Southampton.


From July 2023 through to January 2024, we spoke to a wide range of people to hear about their experiences with the Hampshire Wheelchair Service as run by Ross Care. We worked with service users to co-produce a survey which asked people to comment on their recent experiences of assessments, adjustments, repairs, waiting times and communication.


To ensure we engaged with as many people as possible we promoted the survey via a social media campaign and newsletter and ensured it was available online and via a paper copy. We organised multiple visits to clinics, schools and leisure groups and worked with a range of therapies teams, voluntary organisations and schools.


Ross Care helped to promote the survey by posting on their social media and website offering a clinic visit so we could talk to people attending appointments and engineers handing out flyers when visiting for repairs. They said they could not contact service users directly via email or text due to not having consent for this purpose.



What did we find?


Take a look at our summary pages for the children and adult services to see our main findings and recommendations.

If you would like to read the full report, download it below.

Download PDF • 791KB

We received a statement from Ross Care and include it here. You can download it below.

Ross Care statement V8 updated 22.03.24
Download PDF • 91KB

We received a statement from the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board. You can download it below.

NHS Hampshire & Isle of Wight statement March 2024
Download PDF • 48KB

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