Hantsweb provides you with information about what is going on in your area, details on how to access services, organisations and activities in Hampshire, and the advice and support that is available for you.
The Family Information and Services Hub (FISH) offers you advice and information on local services in Hampshire. You can find information about what is going on in your area, details on how to access services, organisations and activities in Hampshire, and the advice and support that is available like:
Childcare and Early Years Education
Family Support
Activities, Leisure and Play
Young People
Employment, Training and Learning
You can also find out about Hampshire’s Local Offer, and what services and information for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities is available.
This service has been developed with parents, carers and young people to help you find the right services and support for you and your family. The Local Offer includes information about education, health, social care, preparation for adulthood, leisure services and impartial information advice and support.